Medicare Mondays Q&A

Got Medicare Questions?? Ask Dr Eva!!

No Cost | Medicare Educational Sessions brought to you by Health Options NY

Join Dr Eva on Mondays for FREE consultations on how to navigate the many moving parts of  Medicare.

In informal, educational Q & A session, you will get answers to questions such as:

  • Why enroll in Medicare Parts A, B, C or D?
  • Is Medicare the only option for me?
  • Do my doctors accept it?
  • Is there a penalty if I don’t enroll?

If you have a question, Dr Eva has the answer!

EVENT DETAILS: Registration Required
Location: TBD
MONDAYS 4:00pm – 5:00pm (except Holidays & unforeseen events)

Snacks and refreshments will be available.

TO REGISTER: Call or Text Dr Eva at 914-523-2500

Email: [email protected]


Register Below for Medicare Mondays Q & A

Have questions about this event? Call or Text Dr Eva at 914-523-2500

Dr. Eva is also available to meet with your friends or family for a private session of “Medicare Demystified”.  Click Here to Schedule a session with Dr. Eva

By calling this number or providing your information you agree to speak with a licensed insurance agent about Medicare Advantage, Part D Prescription Drug Plans or Medicare Supplements. We are not affiliated with any government agency including Medicare.

Meet the Presenter

Dr Eva Turner

Dr. Eva Turner, Independent Licensed Broker / Agent for Health / Accident & Life Insurance in NY & FL, Medicare Certified with AHIP, Doctor of Chiropractic in NY since 1991

During the pandemic, I closed my practice and found myself drawn to this profession so I can continue to help people by working with them to understand their choices within MEDICARE!

I remember sitting with my Mom amid the piles of confusing Medicare mail she received and trying to make sense of it all. Although I couldn’t help her at that time, I feel as though I am honoring her memory by having the knowledge to be able to help my clients now!

It would be my pleasure to help You navigate through this Medicare maze!!